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Ravello Taxi Service

Thanks to our experience acquired in the touristic field, which has been handed down through generations, the Ravello Taxi Service guarantees an exclusive service to travelling with maximum comfort, style and safety. Our company is equipped with the top of the range Mercedes Benz cars. Every trip will be an opportunity for you to relax or concentrate on business.


Our services

  • Delegation and guest escorting;
  • Transfers for organized congress;
  • Meeting, fairs etc;
  • Transfers for specific destinations for longer stays;

Ravello Taxi Service of Giovanni Fortunato

Viale G. D'Anna, 4 - 84010 Ravello (SA) - Amalfi Coast

Ph/Fax +39.089.857664
Mobile +39.320.2725631

e-mail: info@ravellotaxiservice.it
e-mail: jonni52@tiscali.it